What happens to the aging of the cable?

- Jul 07, 2020-  

After the cable is aging, it will consume more power. After the line is aging, if the outer insulating sheath is damaged, it will not only increase the line consumption and power consumption, but also cause a fire. It should be replaced in time.

The wire will accelerate the aging under high temperature for a long time. If the temperature is too high, it will ignite the outer insulation and cause a fire. In our lives, there are many people who do not understand the common sense of circuits. When connecting two wires, they just use wire cutters to twist two or three turns without tightening, which will cause the contact surface of the two wires at the joint to become smaller. According to the common sense of physics, the smaller the cross-sectional area of the conductor, the greater the resistance, the heating value Q=I square Rt, the larger the resistance will lead to the increase of the heating value.

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