Talking about the six matters needing attention in the storage and transportation of wires and cables

- Jun 19, 2020-  

The storage and transportation of wire and cable products are two very important links. If the storage and transportation methods are improper, it will damage the quality of the wire and cable products and affect the safety of use. So, what should we pay attention to when storing and transporting cable products?

1. When storing cables, it is strictly forbidden to come into contact with acids, alkalis and mineral oils, and store them in isolation from these corrosive substances;

2. There must be no harmful gases that damage the insulation and corrode metals in the warehouse where the cables are stored;

3. Try to avoid storing cables in the open in the open, and the cable reels are not allowed to lay flat;

4. During the storage period, the cable should be rolled regularly (once every 3 months in summer, other seasons can be extended as appropriate). When rolling, turn the storage tray downwards and turn upwards to prevent the bottom surface from damp and rot. When storing, always pay attention to whether the cable gland is intact or not;

5. The cable storage period is limited to the product delivery period, generally not more than one and a half years, and the longest is not more than two years;

6. It is strictly forbidden to drop cables or cable reels from high places during transportation, especially at low temperatures (usually around 5°C and below). Throwing or dropping the cables may cause the insulation and sheath to crack;

7. When hoisting packages, it is strictly prohibited to hoist several trays at the same time. On vehicles, ships and other transportation tools, the cable reels should be fixed by appropriate methods to prevent collision or tipping over each other to prevent mechanical damage to the cables.

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